306 Hollywood is an award-winning magical realist documentary which premiered opening night of Sundance 2018 and is on 10 best of 2018 lists.
World premiere: Opening night, 2018 Sundance Film Festival
First documentary ever to be included in Sundance's NEXT section
Screened in over 65 film festivals
Prizes include Emerging International Filmmakers at Hot Docs, Grand Jury Prize at the Kansas City Film Festival, Best Cinematography at the Oslo Film Festival, Award of Distinction at the Lighthouse Film Fest and New Jersey International
Cinema Eye Winner: ‘Unforgettable Nonfiction Subject’
Cinema Tropical Winner: Special Mention ‘Best US Latino Film’
Critics’ Choice Awards Nomination: ‘Most Innovative Documentary’ & ‘Best Cinematography’
CinéFashion Film Awards Nomination: ‘Best Fashion Feature Film’
Theatrical release in over 25 US cities supported by the Sundance Creative Distribution Fellowship
US Broadcast - POV (PBS), 2019
Digital release on iTunes, Spring 2019
Streaming on Amazon, 2019
Soundtrack Release, Lakeshore Records, Fall 2018
Supported by Chicago Media Project, the Sundance Documentary Fund, Just Films/Ford Foundation, The Artemis Rising Foundation, NYSCA, Hot Docs, IFP, Utah Film Center